Swimmers itch rash pictures
Swimmers itch rash pictures

swimmers itch rash pictures

The highest incidence of infection appears to be late in the day, after a period of sustained wind. June-September) when beach use is at its heaviest. Most cases are usually reported during the warm summer months (i.e. The parasites responsible for swimmer’s itch can be found in many lakes, ponds, and reservoirs throughout Alberta. When and where are these parasites found? This results in an allergic reaction and the development of an itchy rash on the skin. Because humans are not a proper host, the parasites cannot develop, and quickly die.

#Swimmers itch rash pictures skin#

Swimmer’s itch occurs when these cercariae encounter a human (4), and accidentally penetrate the human skin instead of their natural hosts such as waterfowl and aquatic mammals. These free-swimming larvae will then search out a bird or mammal host to infect in order to complete their lifecycle (4).Įach dot represents one cercariae released from the snail in the top left Under optimal conditions, infected snails will then release a different type of microscopic larvae, known as cercariae (3), into the water.

swimmers itch rash pictures

If the miracidia find one of these snails, they will infect the snail, multiply, and undergo further development. These larvae swim in the water in search of certain species of aquatic snails. If the eggs land in or are washed into the water, the eggs will hatch, releasing small, free-swimming larvae called miracidia (2). The adult parasite will produce eggs that are then passed in the feces of the infected birds or mammals (1). The adult parasite lives in the blood of infected birds such as geese, ducks, gulls, swans, and certain mammals like muskrats and raccoons. How does the water become infested with these parasites? In the meantime, you can control the itching with over-the-counter or prescription medication. Swimmer’s itch is found throughout the world, in both freshwater and salt water, and is more frequent during the summer months.Īlthough uncomfortable, swimmer’s itch is not considered dangerous and is usually short lived- the reaction typically clears up on its own within a week or two. This causes an allergic reaction to occur which leads to the formation of an itchy bump. Fortunately, humans are not suitable hosts for the parasite and the larvae die shortly after penetrating the outer layer of skin. Infected snails will release a free-swimming larval form of the parasite into the water, and if they come into contact with a swimmer, they will try to burrow into that person’s skin. These parasites normally live in the bloodstream of certain birds and mammals, as well as in the bodies of some species of water snails. Swimmer’s itch (also known as duck itch, lake itch, or cercarial dermatitis), is a temporary skin rash that some people develop after swimming in water infested with microscopic parasites called schistosomes. Have you been affected by swimmer’s itch? Head to to report your infection and support freshwater research in Alberta!

Swimmers itch rash pictures